What Matters When Marketing to Generation Z

Marketers are scrutinizing GenZ’s psychographics to understand how to connect with them. Here are some high-level topics to consider.


Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, is currently the largest demographic in the world and is poised to shape the future of consumer behaviour. As they reach adulthood and enter the workforce, it’s crucial for businesses to understand their preferences and habits in order to effectively market to them. With that in mind, I have selected five pillars of marketing to Gen Z marketers must pay attention to.

  • Authenticity: Gen Z values authenticity and transparency in all aspects of their life, including the brands they support. They are highly skeptical of traditional advertising and are more likely to trust recommendations from their peers or influencers they follow on social media. Brands that are open and transparent about their values and practices are more likely to win the loyalty of Gen Z consumers.

  • Experience Over Ownership: Unlike previous generations, Gen Z values experiences over material possessions. They are more likely to spend their money on travel, food, and entertainment than on luxury items or material goods. Brands that can offer unique, engaging experiences are likely to appeal to this demographic.


“They want brands to understand their individual needs and preferences.”

  • Social and Environmental Responsibility: Gen Z is a socially conscious generation that is highly concerned about the environment and global issues. Brands that can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility are more likely to win the loyalty of this demographic.

  • Convenience and Technology: Gen Z has grown up in a highly connected world and values convenience and technology in their daily lives. They are comfortable using technology to make their lives easier, such as ordering food online, using ride-sharing services, and shopping online. Brands that can offer convenient and technologically advanced products and services are likely to appeal to this demographic. 

  • Personalization: Gen Z values personalization and customization in their products and services. They want brands to understand their individual needs and preferences and to offer products and services that are tailored to their specific needs.

From my own experience and surprise, I see companies with very little understanding of their target audience launching campaigns focused on the product instead of the customer’s needs. Businesses that can understand the preferences and habits of Gen Z are likely to be more successful in capturing their attention and winning their loyalty. By prioritizing authenticity, experiences, social responsibility, convenience, and personalization, businesses can appeal to this influential demographic and ensure their continued growth and success.